Our Products

SPI Rust Grip

Availability: In stock

Rust Grip® is a tough, one-part, moisture-cure polyurethane coating that absorbs atmospheric moisture to cure. Rust Grip® is loaded with a metallic pigment for strength and is also resistant to chemical solvents and acid splash. Upon curing, Rust Grip® provides a protective coating film of superior adhesion and flexibility, and is resistant to abrasion and impact. Rust Grip® can be used as a primer or as a one-coating system. It is patented to encapsulate lead-based paints and other toxic materials, including asbestos. Rust Grip® can be applied over pressure-washed, completely dry flash rust and firmly bonded commercial paints. In most cases, a white or near-white blasting is not required. A light to medium surface rust is preferred as the profile.

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Product Description


  • One componenet coating
  • Minimal surface preparation
  • Adds strength to weakend surfaces
  • Penetrates deep into pores of surfaces
  • Paint directly on rust and firmly bonded paint
  • Resistant to most solvents, chemicals and some acids
  • Stops water vapour transmission through electro-chemical freezing
  • Reduced surface preparation and efficient application yields cost savings
Application Properties
Concrete Polyurethane
Masonry Moisture Cure
Metal Mildew Resistant
Oil Platform  



Property Value
Colour Silver Grey
Consistency Liquid
Viscocity 150 centipoise
Applications Temperature 10°C to 65°C
Drying Time Tack Free 30 minutes to 60 minutes
Dry Through 30 days @ 40% relative humidity
VOC Content 380 g/L
Shelf Life From Date of Manufacture Up to 3 years unopened

Ordering Information

Catalogue Number Description (UOM) Qty. Case Qty. Weight (Each)
SPI-RustGrip RUST GRIP 1 1 9.4 lbs. per gallon